In a manner of speaking, our body relives the original dramatic event over and over again. The S.E.A. practitioner, through the use of Energy Kinesiology, acupressure and other balancing techniques, is able to pin point and remove the original traumatic imprint along with the resulting coping strategies.
“S.E.A.® allows the practitioner to connect with these unconscious survival strategies and release them deep in the unconscious system. If left unaddressed long enough, these survival strategies or patterns of resistance, may ultimately be expressed as pain, dysfunction and/or disease at one or multiple levels. We do not need the conscious memory or the details of the event itself to release the referencing charge that is still held within the nervous system. The system is allowed to retain its secrets, if needed, honoring the inherent wisdom within each of us.”- Joy Del Giudice
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Somatic Emotional Acupressure (S.E.A.) is a specific kind of Energy Kinesiology created by Joy Del Giudice. It focuses on tracing back a traumatic memory through the physical, emotional and energetic systems in order to find the original moment of traumatic emotional overwhelm and subsequent creation of survival coping techniques. Until the imprint of a particular traumatic memory is removed, the survival strategy becomes a part of our approach to life and every time that we encounter a similar situation, the same survival coping strategies are activated.
LEAP Brain Integration therapy